▶ PLR Sale - $50 Voucher for the $1 Per Pack PLR Sale By Tiffany Lambert - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl0rnpjGMtE
PLR Sale - $50 Voucher for the $1 Per Pack PLR Sale By Tiffany Lambert - http://jvz5.com/c/6987/111385
$50 Voucher for the $1 Per Pack PLR Sale By Tiffany Lambert -
PLEASE READ What's NEW About This Sale:
There are a few things you need to know about this sale that are different from before...
1. I just posted two BRAND NEW never before seen PLR packs on the store, and EACH DAY I will be posting totally new PLR for you! Look at the FAQ below to see what has been added during the sale.
2. I'm running this through JVZoo for the first time ever. That means below, you'll see buy buttons for whatever voucher amount you need in increments from $5 to $50 , increasing by $5 each time. You CAN come buy multiple vouchers. You canNOT buy through your own affiliate link -- I will void the commission. (You're already getting the packs dirt cheap, so no need to do that).
3. The ONLY section NOT available for purchase is the Full Content Funnels -- because I am keeping my word to earlybird buyers that those will never be in these $1 sales. Everything else is fair game -- including the $116 Building an eBook Empire eBook (which you get for just a buck), the MEGA packs for $57 and more!
4. IF you go to the PLR Mini Mart and it's down, which it does sometimes when traffic crashes it during these sales, just check back in an hour or less. They're usually good about working with me to get the crash fixed.
4-Step INSTRUCTIONS for the sale:
Part of this sale is manual in nature, so please read carefully...
1. If the person who sent you here did not already give you an updated catalog, then please download the catalog here: http://www.wahtruths.com/plrminimartcatalognolinks.doc
2. Go through the catalog and look at the packs listed, making a list of the exact pack names you'd like to own for just $1. If you'd like to see more detail, it will tell you exactly what section and page of the PLR Mini Mart it can be found on. Note: Please do NOT try to buy directly through the PLRMiniMart! The public will be paying FULL price for those packs, and you don't want to pay that much!
3. Buy a voucher amount from the buy buttons below that corresponds to however many packs you want. So if you wrote down 10 packs, you'd click the $10 button and check out. If you want $100 worth of packs, then you'll need to come buy two $50 vouchers. When you get to JVZoo, the zip file will tell you how to let me know which packs you want to order, but let me explain it here just in case...
4. After checking out with your voucher, you will email me your receipt or transaction # to writeconsultant @ aol dot com with the list of exact pack titles that you want. I will then check my email within 24 hours and email the packs to you as an attachment. Easy as that!
Ready to get started? Here are the vouchers below, so start making your list, check it twice (ha!) and then place your order.
If you've never purchased from me before and are skeptical of quality, please know that I was the ghostwriter to many top guru marketers for years (John Reese, Rich Schefren, Ewen Chia, Travis Sago and more).
This sale ENDS when I wake up Thursday, July 10th. So get all you can!
$50 Voucher for the $1 Per Pack PLR Sale By Tiffany Lambert
- http://jvz5.com/c/6987/111385
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